Stanley Aftercare
Save time and money on your servicing and maintenance, and more importantly protect your assets and people with an Aftercare plan from Stanley.
Stanley Aftercare will help you to proactively manage the mechanical and manual handling equipment with preventive and corrective maintenance to keep the assets in good working order adhering to health and safety regulations. This process is a vital part of keeping your workforce safe and your business productive.
Our servicing and maintenance plans involve the regular servicing of equipment, routine checks, repair work, testing, inspection, and if necessary, the replacement of worn parts. Mechanical and manual handling equipment greatly benefits from regular servicing and maintenance to prolong the lifespan of the asset, improve performance, and reduce the likeliness of unexpected downtime.
To ensure that mechanical and manual handling lifting equipment meets the annual Thorough Examination, employers are required by PUWER [Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998] to keep it maintained in an efficient state, in efficient order and good repair. Also, where any machinery has a maintenance log, the log is kept up to date; and that maintenance operations on work equipment can be carried out safely.
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