Workplace injury in the automotive industry
Musculoskeletal disorders and repetitive strain injuries are common manual handling risks to workers in the automotive industry, particularly muscular stress to the back, shoulders, and knees.
High-risk activities in the automotive industry include:
• Repetitive manual handling on the assembly line
• Working with arms raised for prolonged periods
• Lifting and carrying heavy parts
• Extending arms to perform long reaching tasks
Exoskeletons can provide ergonomic support for a range of activities in the automotive industry, such as:
• Assembly line work
• Mechanics
• Crash repairs
• Spray painting
• Wheel and tyre fitting
• Engineering
• Vehicle manufacturing
• Breakdown and Recovery
The right exoskeleton can reduce the number of high risk bending, stretching, and reaching combined with awkward postures. The suit will reduce the stress on the body and muscles from over-exertion and lower the risk of a workplace injury occurring.
Find your exosuit
There is no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to implementing exoskeletons. Multiple factors such as impact, budget, perceived support, and comfort should be taken into consideration as part of a holistic evaluation.
Leverage AI scanning technology from WearHealth to find your perfect exoskeleton.
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