Stanley Asset Leasing and Long Term Hire Solutions

Asset finance allows you to access valuable equipment, machinery, and vehicles that stimulate your business’s growth. Without interrupting your cash flow, you can invest in essential assets using equipment funding to improve how your operations perform.

Stanley through its funding partners provide two main types of finance solutions, Finance Leases and Long Term Hire packages.

Depending on your requirements, the best option varies, however, both solutions ensure you have a simple and secure way of investing working capital into important aspects of your business.

Leasing is probably the most popular method of financing new equipment today. Virtually any item of equipment can be leased from £1,000 upwards.

The benefits

Leasing a Stair Climber with Stanley

  • No need to find hefty deposits
  • Tax advantages to leasing
  • Regular lease payments that do not increase, even if interest rates do
  • Settlement of your supplier invoice upon installation/delivery
  • Quick decisions
  • Seasonal Lease
  • Preserve existing credit lines and overdrafts
  • Best equipment for your business, not just the cheapest

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